endangered birds are at risk of extinction.

Any endangered birds, species of fish, plants or animals are classified as an "endangered species" if it is in danger of going extinct in the near future. As of 2007, it was estimated that nearly one out of every eight bird species worldwide is actually at risk of becoming extinct. Specifically in England and the United States, the numbers are higher, with one in four bird species at risk. According to the IUCN and Bird International, the numbers average out to about 235 bird species possible becoming extinct within roughly twenty years.

The American Eagle is probably one of the best known birds in the United States. In 1973, they were declared to be endangered in 43 states. However, just recently, in June of 2007, the United States Fish and Wildlife Service removed the bald eagle from the endangered birds list, making this great bird a success story. The bald eagle is an avid fish eater, but wouldn't turn down the occasional mammal, turtle or bird. A male bald eagle weighs in around ten to twelve pounds and average around three feet from the top of their head to the tip of their tail. Their wingspan alone can reach up to seven feet across!

They are a magnificent animal.

The Mississippi Sandhill Crane is a good example of a wading bird species that is endangered and has been since 1973. These four feet tall birds will forage in wetland areas and eat worms, insects, crayfish, lizards and frogs. They have also been known to eat fruit, nuts, roots and seeds when on dry land.

The Peruvian Diving Petrel is a pelagic bird that obtains food by diving under the cold sea water and pursuing small fish larvae and plank tonic crustaceans. Although there were once millions of this bird species, but they are currently listed as an endangered bird. Typically found in the Humboldt Current located off Chile and Peru, this simple bird has had their nests, eggs and chicks destroyed by guano workers, foxes and feral cats.

The Puerto Rican Parrot is one of the 10 critically endangered bird species in the world as of 1967. By the year 1975, there were only 13 of these parrots living in the Caribbean National Forest. This striking bird is emerald green with a red forehead and white rings around the eyes. This species is a forest dweller and blends well due to its coloring. Because this parrot cannot excavate a nest themselves, this species is considered a secondary cavity nester, meaning it uses other bird's nests to lay their eggs. The Puerto Rican Parrot will often use a tree cavity that has been chiseled out by another bird and then vacated. As of 1968, efforts have been made to preserve this amazing bird from extinction.

The top ten endangered birds in America include the ivory-billed woodpecker, the California condor, Kittlitz's murrelet, Kirtland's warbler, Gunnison sage-grouse, whooping crane, piping plover, Florida scrub-jay, golden-cheeked warbler, and the ashy storm-petrel. According to the Audubon Society, these species are facing a number of threats including global warming, development pressures and invasive species.

Hawaii has its own top ten list for endangered birds. They have more endangered species than any of the other states. Most of the threatened species are endemic forest birds and face avian diseases, predators and encroaching development.

Efforts to save endangered bird species from extinction are being made all over the world. It is a victory when one bird species is removed from the list.

The endangered American Bald Eagle

The Moa

This bird has been extinct 600 years
