ostrich pictures
This is a few
ostrich pictures
of my own ostriches that I have take in the past.
I bought six chicks (three males and three females). One of my males died before I even got them home. It had an impaction and could not stand the operation.
When I got my birds in a growing mood I started taking pictures of them. Some of these pictures are of the chicks that I bought and others are of young chick that I hatched (or had hatched).
Most of the pictures are taken in my back yard with me and my grandkids.
I hope you enjoy viewing these pictures as much as I did making them possible.

Ostrich eggs and chick still in the incubator

Here is one of my birds showing for his mate.

Here is a three year old trying to find out what is going on.

These birds hear someone in the feed house.

This is one of my first chicks when it was three months old.

Daddy is really trying to get Mama's attention.

Where you talking to me?

She is in a hurry for some reason.

We are ready for whatever may come.

We grow fast! One-year old birds.

Going to see the excitement.

This was my first egg and boy was I proud!

My very large dog, my six year old grandson and my two year old birds.

Daddy bird showing off for Mama bird.

When they run they use their wings
like a steering wheel to gude themselves.

A rooster rounding up his hens.

Here's Looking at'cha bub...

The Ostrich has the largest eye of any land animal. About 5 citimeters across.
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